Dealing with this aspect tend to be very challenging. When you are struggling with your finances and the option of declaring bankruptcy is in the offing, then the firm that you choose to represent you is important. But having all these options available, how then does one go about selecting the right one? In this guide you will find information on how to follow basic procedures in order to find a law firm that can assist you during this difficult period.
How to Choose the Best Law Firm for Bankruptcy
To avoid the pitfalls and find the right legal representation, follow these key steps:
1. Search for Specific Skills in Bankruptcy
It might be said that bankruptcy law is quite a narrow branch of law. This means that it is better to select an attorney that specializes in cases of bankruptcy rather than the law firm that practices different branches of law. Attorneys that practice in the area of bankruptcy law and do so on a regular basis, will be more familiar with the intricacies of bankruptcy, the various chapters, and even certain legal aspects of bankruptcy that may affect your case. Tip: You should select a law firm that would clearly state the practice area of bankruptcy on their website. Verify the lawyer for practice and ask the number of similar cases the lawyer handles or has dealt with before.
2. See How Effective They Have Been In The Past
However, avoid hiring a company without this information needed to check for the success rate of the law firm in handling bankruptcy cases. It can let you know how they conduct business along with figuring out whether or not they can secure beneficial results. You should aim at choosing a firm with several previous cases that ensure its clients to receive their bankruptcies’ approval and receive the optimum value of discharged debts. This information may be available from client feedback or testimonials or by inquiring from the firm, during the initial consultation meeting. Tip: Find out how many similar cases the lawyer has taken and they results that where obtained. As it will be seen, a good law firm should not hide their experience and their achievements.
3. Think of the Firm’s Reputation and Client Reference
They also place a great deal of importance on reputation when it comes to receiving legal counsel. Before you begin writing your account, it’s important to spend some time doing some research on the law firm in question. Apart from these online sources, visit Google, Yelp, or Avvo and check client feedback. Try to find certain trends in the comments. This means, how convinced were clients concerning the communication done by that lawyer? Did they consider that they were receiving support during the process? It is very important to know if the firm who represented them professionally and competently handled their case. Tip: It is not unusual to find mixed comments sometimes, but if you notice that a particular law firm has a string of negative comments about poor communication, or failure to meet deadlines, it is wise to be wary.
4. Assess Their Communication and Accessible Behavior
During the bankruptcy process, you are going to have may questions and you need a lawyer who will be able to answer them. When speaking to your lawyer for the first time pay attention to their communication skills. Are they able to listen and are they willing and able to explain some legal terms and legal procedures? There is a test whether the participants of the meeting are genuinely interested in providing you with help and whether they are in a hurry. Tip: Find out if the lawyer is comfortable with phone, written communication in the form of an Email and face to face meetings then enquire a bout the general response time of the lawyer.
5. Evaluate Their Charging System and Options of Payment
Most bankruptcy law firms offer fixed fees that create an understanding of what a client would be charged in terms of services but it’s important that the client knows what the fee will cover. Does the fee include the filing fees at the court, and consultations and all the work that needs to be done throughout and after the bankruptcy process? There are many firms out there that are insight when it comes to flexible payment options which will suit well those of you whose pockets are almost empty. Tip: It is important therefore to get a clear understanding of this fee structure. Request more detailed budget division and use your best judgment to question possible extra charges.
6. Check if the company provides you with consultation services for free.
Also, most of the attorneys that specialize in the bankruptcy law do not charge their clients for the first meeting with the lawyer. This consultation is your opportunity to make an assessment of the firm independently of capital outlay. Tip: When choosing how you want to proceed, make sure you use the consultation to ask the lawyer about your case and see how much he knows regarding your case.
7. Choose a Firm That Can Offer Personalised Services
If you decide to hire a big law firm with numerous offices, with any luck your case may be taken by a paralegal or a junior associate, not the attorney whom you first spoke to. Some are comfortable with a small firm or a solo practitioner because they will be given direct access to their attorney and deal with him or her one-on-one. Tip: Although, you can ask the lawyer that will personally be handling your case on a regular basis. Always ensure that you identify your main contact person.